A Long Road Trip, Plenty of Music Time and an Eric Church Story

I’m nearly a week into this road trip as I sit here in Bend, Oregon. I’ve had 3 days of long drives thus far. We are in Bend until Sunday, so we’ll get some planned down time as I golf in a 4 day event. I could listen to Eric Church for hours straight, which…

You’ll Want Your Mondays Back

Have you ever asked someone how they are and they mutter something referencing the day of the week? Maybe it’s – “ugh, just another Monday,” or they might say “thank God it’s Friday (TGIF)!” I’m willing to bet when we’re on our death bed that we’d do almost anything to go back and relive our…

Spiritual or Worldly Lenses?

I recently purchased a new pair of sunglasses. I bought them for the usual reasons we buy sunglasses- I needed a new pair and liked how they fit my face. The best part about these glasses wasn’t discovered until the first time I wore them while walking outside. The particular tint of the lenses made…

Matches or Bonfire?

I was recently playing in a golf tournament in my home state of Arizona. I occasionally partake in a cigar when golfing. A friend of mine in my golf league offered me one during our round, so I kindly obliged. Shortly after initially lighting our cigars we realized his lighter was out of fluid. Keeping…

Transformational Renewing

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve of what God’s will is- His good, pleasing and perfect will.” – Romans 12:2 NIV Have you ever read Romas 12:2 and reflected on what is meant by…

Lean In…

I was in my early thirties when I went up for a rebound in a pick-up game of basketball and came down on a much larger guy’s foot. Ouch. I both felt and heard it pop. The guys I was playing with heard it pop as well, which wasn’t a good sign. I have a…

Surrender Project Update

Three weeks into this journey and I’m still excited about the future. I can say as I reflect on the past few weeks one word stands out- resonate. I think the intentional focus around the project and attempting to truly surrender all areas of my life (to be best of my human ability) is helping…

Insecurity Running the Show

I was sitting at Chipotle yesterday, which is admittedly one of my favorite “easy” food options on a busy day. This particular day I was sitting outside within earshot of a few other tables. I can honestly say it didn’t take long for me to wish I had brought my headphones. I often tune into…

Pause and Listen

I have a younger colleague of mine who has found some success in his young sales role. He was a college athlete which taught him a level of GRIT that has propelled him in the sales world. He’d run through a wall if you told him it would help him be “successful.” I’ve known him…