Mirrors and Reflections

Mirrors seem to reflect different body images based on time of day, recent choices, lighting, or even mindset. Life seems to reflect differently as well, based on choices, time of day, priorities and mindset. I’m learning that we must be more intentional with protecting our mind and spirit.

The Chase

Chasing external fulfillment or internal? Only one Thing truly quenches thirst. The choice is yours.


Underlying anxiety- my choppy waters. Pandemic stress, a lofty to-do list, or something bigger?

Glimmers of Light

A poem about faith. About life’s journey of finding significance, worth and true love.

My Favorite Part

Life is precious. I think most would agree with these words. As you can imagine, I’ve been asked quite a bit lately about my road trip. One common question- “what was your favorite part of the trip?” I think clarity comes over time, yet I from my perspective today my answer just might surprise some….

The End of My Journey with a Letter to Me

I had an idea pop into my head a few times today, so figure it’s worth exploring. I’m nearing the end of this journey and feel my last post should be a letter to myself. I left Phoenix, AZ on July 20th and am slated to arrive back this Saturday, September 7th. Many people write…

My Antidotes for Fear

I’m over a month into my journey and I must admit that I feel more oppressed than normal. I believe the more of God’s work I’m trying to do via surrendering, the more attacks from the enemy will likely occur. We all have our weaknesses, some even bondages. In 2 Corinthians 12:9 Paul writes of…