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We need to train for our relationships, like we do for so many other things in life! Training for the Tough Mudder got me thinking about training for romance!

Rim to Rim: The Good Kind of Crazy

I have a few slogans I live by. I also call these my “I AM STATEMENTS.” One of the most important things I tell myself everyday is “I AM THE GOOD KIND OF CRAZY!” I read my I AM STATEMENTS frequently (daily is my goal). I try to put wonderful affirmations in my mind each…

Light Dimmers

I think we all have roadblocks that hold us back from being the best version of ourselves. I mean, we’re all human, so we all have struggles right? I have been thinking quite a bit about my “Light Dimmers.” These are any stumbling blocks between who I am today and the healthier spiritual, mental and…

My Favorite Part

Life is precious. I think most would agree with these words. As you can imagine, I’ve been asked quite a bit lately about my road trip. One common question- “what was your favorite part of the trip?” I think clarity comes over time, yet I from my perspective today my answer just might surprise some….

The End of My Journey with a Letter to Me

I had an idea pop into my head a few times today, so figure it’s worth exploring. I’m nearing the end of this journey and feel my last post should be a letter to myself. I left Phoenix, AZ on July 20th and am slated to arrive back this Saturday, September 7th. Many people write…

Holding Space

A friend of mine named Tony has mentioned “holding space” several times since I met him about three years ago. Tony is a Chiropractor, yet not your traditional what I like to call “snap, crackle and pop” type. Tony has been referred to as anything from a “witch doctor” to a “spiritual guru.” Needless to…

Road Trip – Reflecting after Six Weeks

Murphy and I are currently in Nashville, TN. Yeah- I’m here again, the only spot I’m staying twice on this seven week journey. I couldn’t help but stop for a night to see Vince Gill and Martina McBride perform at the Grand Ole Opery! I cannot believe how fast the trip has gone, while at…

You Can Have Your World, I’ve got Jesus!

I’m sitting on the 19th floor of the Westin at a rooftop bar overlooking the Gulf of Mexico in Sarasota, FL. I appreciate the view to say the least. I’m partially just happy to be in a more peaceful environment after spending the last three nights at a Miami Beach hotel. It’s like I transported…

Luck for Joy

I’m sitting in Miami on my 37th day of this road trip around the country. The trip is going well, the past few days have been spiritually awesome, which I’ll continue to update everyone on. The attached picture is a recent sunset off the coast of Fort Lauderdale, which was an awesome view to say…

God First

Matthew 6:31-34: “Therefore do not worry, saying ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink? or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your Heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall…