Surrender Project: Two Years

Two year anniversary of My Surrender Project. Where am I now? What have I learned along the way? What’s next?

Mirrors and Reflections

Mirrors seem to reflect different body images based on time of day, recent choices, lighting, or even mindset. Life seems to reflect differently as well, based on choices, time of day, priorities and mindset. I’m learning that we must be more intentional with protecting our mind and spirit.

Remy’s Lesson

Sometimes a dog can teach us something! Maybe we need to slow down a tad, that was Remy’s inadvertent lesson to me!


Seeking stillness, adventure and God’s guidance as we surrender on another road trip. A man, his dog with God- can’t ask for much more than that.


Trophies of this world verses the only trophy worth chasing: The Cross.


Over the past four years I’ve had a constant pull to “go toward my mountain.” I have a hard time explaining it. I’ve mentioned this mystic concept in previous posts, yet haven’t dove deeply via my writing. I have a few theories about this “pull” and what it means, yet cannot be certain what “my…


Underlying anxiety- my choppy waters. Pandemic stress, a lofty to-do list, or something bigger?

Peace, Happiness and Contentment

Almost four years ago I was left feeling empty after years of “success.” I couldn’t muster up the ability to write down any goals, only three words: Peace, Happiness and Contentment. Little did I know this was a pivotal moment in my life, as I entered my “Jesus Year.” I’m excited to say I can write down goals for the first time after a transformative few years of life!