Mirrors and Reflections

Mirrors seem to reflect different body images based on time of day, recent choices, lighting, or even mindset. Life seems to reflect differently as well, based on choices, time of day, priorities and mindset. I’m learning that we must be more intentional with protecting our mind and spirit.


Envy is learned. Envy comes from needing to heal the conditioning the world creates to compare. Humility and grace, self-love, Jesus are answers.

The Chase

Chasing external fulfillment or internal? Only one Thing truly quenches thirst. The choice is yours.


Trophies of this world verses the only trophy worth chasing: The Cross.

Quarantine: A Performer’s Nightmare

I’ve seen such a vast difference in perspectives regarding the isolation we’re experiencing. Some are “going out of their minds,” while others are finding peace. I guess extroverts would find these times incredibly challenging, where us introverts don’t mind as much. I was reflecting over the past few weeks and realize I’ve been home most…


We are currently in Breckenridge for a family vacation. This was a Christmas present from someone being very generous. Evidently time together as a family is more meaningful than buying a bunch of gifts. Who would’ve thought? 🙂 Here’s to snowboarding the next few days with no injuries, yet being the Good Kind of Crazy…

God’s Work

Do people put you down? Does someone in your life dismiss your dreams? We can still choose to shine bright!

Speeding Through a Parking Lot

A lady sped up instead of letting me cross in a parking lot. I let this upset me, but why? Expectations of others to treat me like I would treat them. Why would I let someone else dim my light because they aren’t treating me as I would them? Check out my perspective on this new post: Speeding Through a Parking Lot

Thanksgiving: Then and Now

When I was younger I didn’t realize what Thanksgiving really meant. I was taught as a young boy the importance of saying “thank you” when someone did something nice for me. Proper manners never escaped me growing up with my father. He made sure I realized the importance of showing proper respect and courtesy, especially…

Light Dimmers

I think we all have roadblocks that hold us back from being the best version of ourselves. I mean, we’re all human, so we all have struggles right? I have been thinking quite a bit about my “Light Dimmers.” These are any stumbling blocks between who I am today and the healthier spiritual, mental and…