A Recovering People Pleaser

Does the current pandemic trigger you in some ways like it does me? I’ve been reflecting on my recovery from living life as a full blown people pleaser. Perhaps you suffer from this conditioned mindset also? Maybe this post can help.


I was almost thirteen years old as I stood in the outfield of a baseball diamond in Carmel, Indiana. My team was playing for the state championship, and a chance to represent Indiana in the Little League World Series. We won that game. The journey of that summer was incredible. Winning our city tournament, followed…


Several years ago I was anxiety-ridden to an extreme. I was at one point even medicated for my anxiousness, especially pertaining to situational OCD. I would literally fear things like health issues so frequently that I’d manifest symptoms, which worsened over time. I eventually got off medication once my mind could recognize and rationalize my…

The State of My Union

I had a great time in Breckenridge over the long weekend with family and Britt. I hadn’t snowboarded in over a year, given the fact I live in Scottsdale, AZ. I took a nasty spill day one. I honestly don’t remember how I fell on the side of my head because it happened so fast….

God and Sports

I grew up playing competitive sports. Baseball, basketball, track, cross country and even Taekwondo. Numerous times throughout my own experiences playing sports I prayed for help. I asked God to help me be the best athlete on given days. I asked God to bless my teams. I asked God to keep everyone healthy and safe…

Peace, Happiness and Contentment

Almost four years ago I was left feeling empty after years of “success.” I couldn’t muster up the ability to write down any goals, only three words: Peace, Happiness and Contentment. Little did I know this was a pivotal moment in my life, as I entered my “Jesus Year.” I’m excited to say I can write down goals for the first time after a transformative few years of life!

One Small Step

Follow your JOY, which is a beacon to your Divine Destiny!

Rim to Rim: The Good Kind of Crazy

I have a few slogans I live by. I also call these my “I AM STATEMENTS.” One of the most important things I tell myself everyday is “I AM THE GOOD KIND OF CRAZY!” I read my I AM STATEMENTS frequently (daily is my goal). I try to put wonderful affirmations in my mind each…

Light Dimmers

I think we all have roadblocks that hold us back from being the best version of ourselves. I mean, we’re all human, so we all have struggles right? I have been thinking quite a bit about my “Light Dimmers.” These are any stumbling blocks between who I am today and the healthier spiritual, mental and…

My Favorite Part

Life is precious. I think most would agree with these words. As you can imagine, I’ve been asked quite a bit lately about my road trip. One common question- “what was your favorite part of the trip?” I think clarity comes over time, yet I from my perspective today my answer just might surprise some….