God First

Matthew 6:31-34: “Therefore do not worry, saying ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink? or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your Heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall…

Please You Very Much- A Reflection of a Giant Jar of Coins

I sit in beautiful Hilton Head, SC as I write this post. Just a quick update on my trip. I’m 30 days into the journey and of course it both seems like forever ago, as well as just yesterday, since I pulled out of the Phoenix area heading West toward my first destination. I am…

Bits ‘n Pieces

Starbursts got it right with the FaveRed packaging, I’m just saying. If Sour Patch Kids would figure out that the best colors/flavors were red and blue and package just those, I’d buy a lot more! I try not to indulge in candy often, but when I do, I prefer Sour Patch Kids or Skittles (I’m…

I’m Successful! Right?

I had a lot of drive time today. Murph and I went from Bozeman, MT to Spearfish, SD in a day. This was one of my longest driving days so far. We’ve officially been in 9 states over the 13 days of our road trip. Arizona, California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Wyoming and now South…

Day 3, LTE, Yet No Service. Lake Tahoe!

My first full day experiencing one of the spots I sought out for this trip- South Lake Tahoe! I couldn’t believe it when I woke up this morning after 8 o’clock! I cannot tell you the last time I slept in that late, and on a Monday at that. Blacked out curtains work like a…

Day 1 And Happy Tears

Well, day 1 is in the books! We traveled just over 5 hours from Scottsdale, AZ to Victorville, CA. The goal- to get roughly 1/2 way to South Lake Tahoe. There are two ways to get to Lake Tahoe from Phoenix- through Las Vegas, or West toward LA and then up through central California. I…

Spiritual or Worldly Lenses?

I recently purchased a new pair of sunglasses. I bought them for the usual reasons we buy sunglasses- I needed a new pair and liked how they fit my face. The best part about these glasses wasn’t discovered until the first time I wore them while walking outside. The particular tint of the lenses made…