Mirrors and Reflections

Mirrors seem to reflect different body images based on time of day, recent choices, lighting, or even mindset. Life seems to reflect differently as well, based on choices, time of day, priorities and mindset. I’m learning that we must be more intentional with protecting our mind and spirit.

Remy’s Lesson

Sometimes a dog can teach us something! Maybe we need to slow down a tad, that was Remy’s inadvertent lesson to me!


Envy is learned. Envy comes from needing to heal the conditioning the world creates to compare. Humility and grace, self-love, Jesus are answers.

The Chase

Chasing external fulfillment or internal? Only one Thing truly quenches thirst. The choice is yours.


Trophies of this world verses the only trophy worth chasing: The Cross.

Quarantine: A Performer’s Nightmare

I’ve seen such a vast difference in perspectives regarding the isolation we’re experiencing. Some are “going out of their minds,” while others are finding peace. I guess extroverts would find these times incredibly challenging, where us introverts don’t mind as much. I was reflecting over the past few weeks and realize I’ve been home most…

A Recovering People Pleaser

Does the current pandemic trigger you in some ways like it does me? I’ve been reflecting on my recovery from living life as a full blown people pleaser. Perhaps you suffer from this conditioned mindset also? Maybe this post can help.

The End of My Journey with a Letter to Me

I had an idea pop into my head a few times today, so figure it’s worth exploring. I’m nearing the end of this journey and feel my last post should be a letter to myself. I left Phoenix, AZ on July 20th and am slated to arrive back this Saturday, September 7th. Many people write…

Holding Space

A friend of mine named Tony has mentioned “holding space” several times since I met him about three years ago. Tony is a Chiropractor, yet not your traditional what I like to call “snap, crackle and pop” type. Tony has been referred to as anything from a “witch doctor” to a “spiritual guru.” Needless to…

Road Trip – Reflecting after Six Weeks

Murphy and I are currently in Nashville, TN. Yeah- I’m here again, the only spot I’m staying twice on this seven week journey. I couldn’t help but stop for a night to see Vince Gill and Martina McBride perform at the Grand Ole Opery! I cannot believe how fast the trip has gone, while at…