Remy’s Lesson

Sometimes a dog can teach us something! Maybe we need to slow down a tad, that was Remy’s inadvertent lesson to me!


Ever feel stuck because of the stories you tel yourself? Unable to break the chains that hold you back. Chains that may not even be yours? Perhaps you’re there on purpose, or perhaps healing still needs to happen. Here’s to overcoming.


Trophies of this world verses the only trophy worth chasing: The Cross.


Over the past four years I’ve had a constant pull to “go toward my mountain.” I have a hard time explaining it. I’ve mentioned this mystic concept in previous posts, yet haven’t dove deeply via my writing. I have a few theories about this “pull” and what it means, yet cannot be certain what “my…

Glimmers of Light

A poem about faith. About life’s journey of finding significance, worth and true love.

Musical Tears: Now is the Time

I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe amidst this COVID-19 crisis. I am deeply saddened by the news of our nation’s mounting death toll. I was especially bummed when I heard of Joe Diffie’s passing from complications due to the virus. I am listening to his music as I write this, “Lord, I want…

Coronavirus and a Bible Verse

Welp, the Coronavirus has hit our shores, and in a big way. The mad dash to gather essentials left echoes throughout empty isles inside grocery stores. Restaurants and bars are closing down, or being mandated to prepare to-go orders only. Certain areas of the country are slowly creeping toward lockdown scenarios, perhaps we all are….

How Bright is Your Light?

How Bright is YOUR Light? We could all be considered a lamp, yet we shine most from the inside, not from seeking fulfillment on the outside. Join me for a quick story and subsequent realizations about what matters most in life!