Underlying anxiety- my choppy waters. Pandemic stress, a lofty to-do list, or something bigger?

Quarantine: A Performer’s Nightmare

I’ve seen such a vast difference in perspectives regarding the isolation we’re experiencing. Some are “going out of their minds,” while others are finding peace. I guess extroverts would find these times incredibly challenging, where us introverts don’t mind as much. I was reflecting over the past few weeks and realize I’ve been home most…

Glimmers of Light

A poem about faith. About life’s journey of finding significance, worth and true love.

Musical Tears: Now is the Time

I hope everyone is staying healthy and safe amidst this COVID-19 crisis. I am deeply saddened by the news of our nation’s mounting death toll. I was especially bummed when I heard of Joe Diffie’s passing from complications due to the virus. I am listening to his music as I write this, “Lord, I want…

A Recovering People Pleaser

Does the current pandemic trigger you in some ways like it does me? I’ve been reflecting on my recovery from living life as a full blown people pleaser. Perhaps you suffer from this conditioned mindset also? Maybe this post can help.

Coronavirus and a Bible Verse

Welp, the Coronavirus has hit our shores, and in a big way. The mad dash to gather essentials left echoes throughout empty isles inside grocery stores. Restaurants and bars are closing down, or being mandated to prepare to-go orders only. Certain areas of the country are slowly creeping toward lockdown scenarios, perhaps we all are….

Force-fed Religion

So many have been force-fed religious beliefs, which often creates a barrier between them and God. Faith is a relationship, not someone else’s projected beliefs… Let’s break down some faith barriers!


Several years ago I was anxiety-ridden to an extreme. I was at one point even medicated for my anxiousness, especially pertaining to situational OCD. I would literally fear things like health issues so frequently that I’d manifest symptoms, which worsened over time. I eventually got off medication once my mind could recognize and rationalize my…

How Bright is Your Light?

How Bright is YOUR Light? We could all be considered a lamp, yet we shine most from the inside, not from seeking fulfillment on the outside. Join me for a quick story and subsequent realizations about what matters most in life!

The State of My Union

I had a great time in Breckenridge over the long weekend with family and Britt. I hadn’t snowboarded in over a year, given the fact I live in Scottsdale, AZ. I took a nasty spill day one. I honestly don’t remember how I fell on the side of my head because it happened so fast….