Surrender Project: Two Years

Two year anniversary of My Surrender Project. Where am I now? What have I learned along the way? What’s next?

Roll The Dice

An analogy of playing craps to living life, and the perspective when things don’t go our way.


Envy is learned. Envy comes from needing to heal the conditioning the world creates to compare. Humility and grace, self-love, Jesus are answers.

Who’s Your Shepard?

Which flock are you part of? Jesus verses The World. I’ll take Jesus. Awareness is evolving on what’s happening, at least for me.

Straight Lines

A journey back to my childhood, for lessons from grandma. What different perspective we have years later.

The Chase

Chasing external fulfillment or internal? Only one Thing truly quenches thirst. The choice is yours.


Seeking stillness, adventure and God’s guidance as we surrender on another road trip. A man, his dog with God- can’t ask for much more than that.


Trophies of this world verses the only trophy worth chasing: The Cross.