Bees and Butterflies- A Reflection of my Battle with Hypochondria and Anxiety

I hiked UM’s Mountain yesterday in Missoula, Montana. The gradual yet heart pumping hike was a phenomenal way to see the city of Missoula from above. Hiking lets me do two of my favorite things- listen to music and feel God. Once I climbed above the large painted M (standing for Missoula), I started to…

Day 4, Let it Come, Lake Tahoe Day 2!

Murph and I spent our 2nd full day at Lake Tahoe yesterday. Three words came to mind throughout the day: Expectations, Children and Fear…. First, I booked Zip Lining at 12 o’clock. When leaving my hotel room and hopping on a Lime scooter, I looked to the West and quickly realized a storm was brewing….

Day 3, LTE, Yet No Service. Lake Tahoe!

My first full day experiencing one of the spots I sought out for this trip- South Lake Tahoe! I couldn’t believe it when I woke up this morning after 8 o’clock! I cannot tell you the last time I slept in that late, and on a Monday at that. Blacked out curtains work like a…

Day 2 And Two Halves

Murphy and I made it to South Lake Tahoe! We had quite the drive from Southern California. We stopped plenty along the way, for food, bathroom breaks and picture taking. I’ve included some pics of our journey below! Needless to say, it was a long day in the car, stemming roughly 8 hours. The first…

You’ll Want Your Mondays Back

Have you ever asked someone how they are and they mutter something referencing the day of the week? Maybe it’s – “ugh, just another Monday,” or they might say “thank God it’s Friday (TGIF)!” I’m willing to bet when we’re on our death bed that we’d do almost anything to go back and relive our…


I had an incident recently with someone who I “should” be close with. This isn’t the first time we’ve had unnecessary friction, quite frankly it seems to be more the norm the past few years. I won’t get into too much detail because frankly it’s not necessary to relay the point. Let’s just say it…