
Ever feel stuck because of the stories you tel yourself? Unable to break the chains that hold you back. Chains that may not even be yours? Perhaps you’re there on purpose, or perhaps healing still needs to happen. Here’s to overcoming.

Creating Divide by Weaponizing the Bible

I received a comment on Instagram last week that got me thinking. So often “insta-trolls” come out of the woodwork in an attempt to create further divide. These accounts try wreaking havoc by intentionally commenting opposite beliefs on other’s posts, while operating from ghost accounts with no following and no posts of their own. I…


Seeking stillness, adventure and God’s guidance as we surrender on another road trip. A man, his dog with God- can’t ask for much more than that.


Trophies of this world verses the only trophy worth chasing: The Cross.


Over the past four years I’ve had a constant pull to “go toward my mountain.” I have a hard time explaining it. I’ve mentioned this mystic concept in previous posts, yet haven’t dove deeply via my writing. I have a few theories about this “pull” and what it means, yet cannot be certain what “my…


Underlying anxiety- my choppy waters. Pandemic stress, a lofty to-do list, or something bigger?

Quarantine: A Performer’s Nightmare

I’ve seen such a vast difference in perspectives regarding the isolation we’re experiencing. Some are “going out of their minds,” while others are finding peace. I guess extroverts would find these times incredibly challenging, where us introverts don’t mind as much. I was reflecting over the past few weeks and realize I’ve been home most…

Glimmers of Light

A poem about faith. About life’s journey of finding significance, worth and true love.