Glimmers of Light

A battle fought within, yet without realization. A stomach in knots, yet without explanation. A heart that has faded. A mind led astray. A fractured world, both inside and out. Understanding seems firm, yet deep down there’s doubt. Centered firmly with direction. A search for purpose, elusive as the wind.

Dark pathways are traveled. Escorted by shadows through thistle and thorn. The occasional clearings present glimmers of light amidst a moonless night. A peaceful sensation, yet onward I press. A search for significance, for that is my quest.

Darkness takes hold. Exhaustion sets in. A crashing of my mind. A collapse of my body. Proceeding only with spirited determination. Yet, only despair and death lie ahead.

Suddenly, a final glimmer of light. A delirious mirage of sorts. I turn and gaze, seeking clarity amidst a jet black sky. One step toward, then another. Once a glimmer, the light transforms into a hue.

Another step, then another. The path starts to clear, eyes regain sight. Shadows begin to lift. Peace transcends within. A feeling of love. A feeling of worth. All that was needed were those glimmers of light.

Follow me on IG: @Surrender_Project

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