Bits ‘n Pieces

Starbursts got it right with the FaveRed packaging, I’m just saying. If Sour Patch Kids would figure out that the best colors/flavors were red and blue and package just those, I’d buy a lot more! I try not to indulge in candy often, but when I do, I prefer Sour Patch Kids or Skittles (I’m also a sucker for the occasional chocolate chip cookie)! Man, if we could just pick and choose our favorites all the time, wouldn’t that be incredible?

One thing I’ve felt within myself is the difference between complete surrender and surrendering bits and pieces. I’m praying to God each day for the strength to surrender my life, my calling, my decisions, my past, my future, etc. to Him. I’m realizing that the human/worldly aspect of me is pulling back at times. Depending on the day, some areas are easier to surrender and follow His guidance than others. I’m sure we all have areas that are more challenging to let go of. Here’s an example- I often like to plan and try to control my future. I’ve discovered much of my anxieties come from the unknowns of the future and associated fears. I have elaborated in past posts, yet to summarize, I have been conditioned since I was a child to control my environment as much as possible. Surrendering “control” is something I struggle more with than other areas. Surrendering my past mistakes is still a challenge for me. Surrendering finances/tithing/certain relationships are all tough. I also occasionally feel the urge to buy something that I don’t need, perhaps the latest golf equipment or an extra pair of workout shoes. I believe we all have human strongholds within us that steer us toward our most prized worldly desires. I’m learning that complete surrender is a process not solved overnight. Checking my ego and relying solely on God is tough with my past conditioning and human desires, so I’m just trying to make progress each day. I’m just trying to learn and give myself grace throughout my journey. I guess we have to focus on a complete surrender while permitting ourselves the grace to transform from the inside out, inevitably leading us toward a deeper spiritual fulfillment.

I’m surrendering my life to Him each day. I guess that means I have to eat the yellow, green and orange Sour Patch kids too (ugh). I have to work toward surrounding areas that aren’t as fun or conveneient to surrender. I often encourage others to surrender certain areas of life to God as a start, I suppose I need to give myself grace to do the same thing. My number one motivation in life is to have a deepening relationship with God, which means a drastic priority shift on what’s important in life. I’m on this journey and will continue to hit my knees each day to surrender my future to God, and rely on His wisdom to lead from the Holy Spirit within. I know one thing for sure- I cannot live His divine blueprint for my life if I’m focused on desires of this world first. Here’s to focusing on surrendering the tough areas and relinquishing control, not just the easy ones. Here’s to eating those green and yellow Sour Patch Kids along with the reds and blues. Here’s to remembering to give myself grace to evolve and grow over time, not overnight. Here’s to the journey!

Tomorrow I turn 36 years old! I’ll be celebrating in Nashville, TN. I’ve never been to Nashville, so if you have any “must dos” please let me know! We’re officially in our 14th state since July 20th when we started our journey. Much love and God Bless!

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