Day 3, LTE, Yet No Service. Lake Tahoe!

My first full day experiencing one of the spots I sought out for this trip- South Lake Tahoe! I couldn’t believe it when I woke up this morning after 8 o’clock! I cannot tell you the last time I slept in that late, and on a Monday at that. Blacked out curtains work like a charm! Guess I needed the rest.

I had no agenda for today. My big adventure was hiking. I looked up local trails and ended up at Eagle Falls, which was about a 25 minute drive from my hotel. I really started to appreciate the breathtaking landscape on my drive up to the trail. The elevated views of Lake Tahoe were out of this world! I was shocked at how AWESOME this little day trip was!

View from the Vista at Eagle Falls, Lake Tahoe

Once I finally found parking I jaunted toward the trail head. I took a few pics and realized despite my phone showing I had LTE service, nothing was actually working. Texts weren’t going through, neither were Instagram posts. I remember sitting up on the Vista near the waterfalls and thinking to myself- God must want me to disconnect and pause for a little while. The verse came to mind- Psalm 46:10: Be still, and know that I am God. I spoke to Him up there. I even asked him – “what are you up to God?” I imagined his response was something like – “oh just God things.” I gazed upon the ridge crest high above and wondered where He was. Then I thought to myself as the wind blew gently at my back- “oh yeah, You’re everywhere!” I felt and saw God today, nothing will convince me otherwise. I cannot eloquently describe the views well enough, and the attached pics don’t do the scenery justice, but I tried! I can say though that the inner-peace I felt via the calmness of His nature left me feeling rejuvenated. What a great first day here at Lake Tahoe!

I also thought quite a bit as I gazed around the scenic mountains and crystal blue lake below about how many people cannot fathom our Earth being created by God. I also reflected on a belief that this was all some sort of “Big Bang” or an explosion-based creation. I just cannot imagine something so beautiful exploding into existence. I think our human minds often search for answers that we’re just not capable of understanding.

I feel blessed to know Him. I feel blessed to be on this journey. I feel blessed as I edge closer and closer to experiencing Him. I feel blessed to be truly surrendering each day to His plan for my life. I feel blessed for the cleansing of my heart by His spiritual water. I’m awestruck, borderline obsessed with water and Lake Tahoe is just the place to kickoff this 7+ week road trip! Below is a pic of a waterfall I admired for a while today- it was incredible!

Psalms 46:10 – “Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.”

Day 2 in Lake Tahoe will consist of me on a Zip Line for the first time ever! Besides that, adventuring around town and packing up this evening for our departure early tomorrow morning. We’re headed to Bend, Oregon, so we have quite the drive ahead of us!

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